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Where is the surgery performed?Simple procedures, such as upper eyelid blepharoplasty, lesion removals, and ptosis repair can be performed in the clinic under local anesthesia for patients who are good candidates. More involved procedures, such as endoscopic brow lift, mid-face lift, and fat grafting among others are performed under sedation or general anesthesia in one of three surgical centers Dr. Bratton goes to throughout the city. One located in downtown Denver, one in the same building as her practice, and one in Lone Tree.
When can I return to normal activity after surgery?After surgery restrictions will differ depending on the type of procedure or surgery performed. For in office minor procedures, such as skin biopsy and cyst removal, patients may return to normal activity the following day. After more involved surgery, including upper blepharoplasty (and beyond), patients should limit any activity that increases their heart rate or blood pressure (such as running, exercising, etc) for one week after surgery. When you are seen for your one-week post-op, we will instruct you to proceed with normal activity. Each patient will receive post-operative instructions tailored to their individual surgery.
How much time do I need to take off of work?Return to work is dependent on what type of procedure/surgery was performed and what type of activity is performed at work. For eyelid surgery or more involved surgery, patients should expect to take one week off of work. Also expect to have blurred vision for the first 2-3 days (which can last a little longer depending on individual patients). Computer, reading, and fine-detail work will not affect the outcome of your surgery, but you may find it hard to perform for the week after surgery.
Can I shower after surgery?If you have a dressing in place (such as an eye patch (used in some, but not all cases), please keep the dressing dry. You may shower after you remove the patch (as instructed by our team). You can bathe during the time of placement of your patch. You can shower the day after surgery if you don’t have a dressing in place that must be kept dry. Those undergoing laser resurfacing procedures will be given specific instructions. While showering, avoid rubbing the surgical site and allowing a forceful stream of water over your face or surgical site area. Avoid submerging the area under water (swimming pool, fresh body of water, or bath tub) for 2 weeks.
When can I wear make-up after surgery?After Botox injections, make-up can be placed same day. After filler injection, you should wait 24 hours prior to placing make-up. After laser resurfacing, specific instructions will be given. After incisions surgery, such as blepharoplasty surgery, flesh colored make-up such as foundation can be placed at day 10. Dark colored make-up such as eye-shadow or mascara should not be placed before 2.5 to 3 weeks.
After Endoscopic Brow Lift Surgery, when can I shampoo and get my hair colored?It is best to get your hair colored prior to having brow lift surgery. You can shampoo the following day after surgery. Be careful around the incision sites. You can get your hair colored one month after surgery.
Will I get bruised and swollen?Because the eyelids and face are highly vascular, bruising is common. Every patient responds differently to surgery. Swelling and bruising are typically the most noticeable 1-5 days after surgery and then slowly fade away over two weeks. Many patients ask if they can use Bromelain or Arnica Montana. This may or may not decrease the amount of bruising, but there is no problem with taking it in pill form before and after if you desire. To best avoid bruising, following pre-op instructions to be off of blood thinning products, such as Vit E, Fish Oil, and NSAIDS (such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen) should be followed. Also, avoid drinking alcohol for the week prior to your procedure. Stopping any physician prescribed blood thinners should be confirmed with your prescribing physician (such as cardiologist or PCP).
When can I drive after surgery?For simple procedures where an eye patch is not used after the procedure and local anesthetic only is used, patients can drive themselves to and from the appointment. If an eye patch is used after or the procedure may cause blurry vision, it is important to arrange for transportation. For procedures in the operating room, patients should not drive within 24 hours of IV or general anesthesia and should not drive when taking prescription pain medication. For each patient, there is variability in blurred vision after eyelid surgery. After 24 hours after surgery you can drive when you feel comfortable driving.
What kind of Anesthesia is used?Dr. Bratton formulates an individualized plan for each patient. For surgeries performed in the office, simple procedures are done with local anesthesia. Other more involved procedures (such as upper blepharoplasty) may involve prescribing an anxiolytic medication to be taken by mouth 30 minutes prior to the procedure, topical numbing medication, and local anesthetic. You will be comfortable for the procedure/surgery, but you will be awake. Surgeries that are more involved in the operating room are typically done with IV sedation (patients are asleep, but breathing on their own) or general anesthesia (patients are fully asleep and a tube is used to assist in the patient breathing). The anesthesiologist will determine the safest route for the administration of the anesthesia prior to the surgery based on your health history and needs to keep you safe.
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